For Social Media Gains, Play the Numbers Game


I used to feel bad when nobody liked or commented on my tweets. I guess it wasn’t as clever as i thought. But is it that?Just because you can post instantaneously, doesn’t mean everyone sees it that instant.It wasn’t a bad tweet, it was just and timing. Just like waiting for the right time to talk to your parent or significant other to get the answer you want, you should figure out the best timing for you social media posts to get similar results.

On Social Media Platforms, Timing Trumps Cleverness

I have to deal with social media because I work in digital marketing, so when i wanted to get my personal following up so that clients could look me up and be impressed by my impression on tweeters, i noticed that  on twitter, it’s less about what you say and more about when you say it.This is a challenge for people like me who stream their television. The earliest i watch a tv show is 24 hours after it airs, so my commentary has a significantly smaller audience than it would if i were live tweeting.

The Right Hashtag is Worth A Thousand Impressions

They look annoying, especially when embedded within a sentence, but unless you tag your tweet to an event, people wont find in when searching. And even though you may not want to seem trendy, you do want to be part of the conversation.

It’s Not You, It’s the Algorithms and Automation

If youve ever shared a piece of your mind on reddit, you know that its a dog eat dog world. And while getting roasted in the comments is bad, nothing feels worse than having your inner thoughts automatically removed by auto-moderation.Same thing goes for the algorithms of facebook and instagram. Our timelines are curated by codes, which oftentimes put commerce ahead of our own personal interests.r

The Rules Don’t Apply to Public Figures

When people already know who you are, you dont need to be timely or hashtaggy because you already have an audience. This is like the valley beyond to quote westworld. The place where hashtags and live tweets dont matter because your tribe is behind you.So, if you’re the president, you early morning tweets will be read. For everyone else, you have to play the numbers.

Post, Follow, Like, Comment and Share to Stack the Odds in Your Favor

You can always buy fake followings on social media, but it will do nothing for your bottom line other than convince a few people that you have a bigger following than you do. The problem with bot (or bought) followers is that they offer nothing more than a temporary follower.Getting through the barriers to entry on social media is about forming a community, not only of followers but of who you follow and engage with on social media platforms. Take an organic approach and it will seem like you’re talking to yourself at first. But slowly, if you’re timely and tagging the right topics, you’ll find others like you.


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