Choose a Brand Name With Room to Grow


Choosing a brand name is one of the most important strategic decisions you make as a business owner or entrepreneur. And yet, most of us choose a name without giving it too much thought.

That was the case when I started Alton Road Digital. I needed to open the business in a hurry because I already had clients writing me checks and needed to give them a business name and account number in a matter of days.

I chose the name because it was descriptive, almost like coming up with a drag name. I was doing digital marketing on Alton Road, and so was born Alton Road Digital. 

I didn’t take the time to workshop the idea, or even really think further than just getting an EIN from my accountant. 

It has a nice ring to it and does give some local flavor, but I soon realized that it also boxed me in.

Being descriptive is great when naming a brand, but giving yourself room to grow is more important.

Digital marketing is where we got our start and it made sense at the time. But after a couple of years in business, the brand became more about workshopping and creating brand magic. Our work goes beyond the screen and having digital in the name doesn’t reflect that.

For some, it may not seem like a big deal. But in my pursuit of helping other brands find their North Star, I realized that I wanted to take our mission even further.

This is when the name became a barrier. I’m not changing it because I put so much work into this brand and the name is nice. It’s just not perfect. And what that means in practical terms is that I will have to launch another brand in order to successfully achieve success. That will cost more money in the short term and also take resources away from ARD.

That’s why choosing a brand name with room to grow is so important.

Your brand is like a child growing out of their clothes. But instead of having to come up with a new brand for every aspect of your business life, come up with a name that can encompass all that you want to do. 

Come up with your mission first, even before the name if you can.

Find out what truly motivates your business. This will give you rich creative territories to explore. And while being descriptive is one approach, being creative gives you more bang for your buck.


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Find Your North Star