7 Ways to Repurpose Your Content to Maximize Brand Exposure


Brand Pro Tip: Maximize brand exposure by repurposing your content. Take short-form content that performs well and turn it into something more substantial. Or, take a successful piece of long-form content and break it down into bite-sized pieces that more people can consume.

You’ve probably heard branding experts like Bill Gates say that content is king and that you should be putting out tons of content every week to reach your brand goals.

Easier said than done, right?

The reality is that creating quality content that engages your audience and converts can take much time. And as a business person, you know that time is money. So, how do you get the most bang for your buck when it comes to creating content? 

As someone who has managed content for years, I can say that the best way to maximize brand exposure is to repurpose your content. 

Instead of scrambling to create unique content for LinkedIn, Facebook, email, blogs, and other platforms, create long-form pieces of content that you can then break down into smaller pieces to distribute to audiences across platforms. You can also take a successful short-form content, like a popular social media post, and turn it into a longer piece that will reach more people.

5 Reasons Why it Pays to Repurpose Your Content

  1. It can save you money. Before hiring someone to send out social media posts for you, think about what content you might have that you can repurpose. For example, you can break down the transcript of a talk or video to create content, social media. This will help you save on those individual content pieces and also give more exposure to the talk or video.

  2. It helps you stay focused. Creating different pieces of content for various platforms can leave your brain feeling scattered. It’s much easier to focus on one topic, flesh it out, and distribute it in multiple forms across platforms.

  3. It saves you time. If you’re repurposing content, it’s just a matter of editing as opposed to drafting something brand new that can take time to develop. 

  4. It reinforces your core message. Why let your best content only reach one group of people? Break it down for all of your audiences to be able to digest.

  5. It creates a bigger feedback loop for your content. Do you ever wonder what aspects of your brand messaging work best with your target audience? Pull the most compelling parts of your content and publish on social media for instant feedback you can incorporate in your content strategy moving forward. 

Boost Brand Recognition and Recall Through Reinforcement

It takes more than five impressions for someone to recall your brand. This makes a case for increasing your content output. Using the same logic, it will take someone a similar amount of exposure to capture your messaging. 

It may feel repetitive to push out the same content over and over again – even annoying. But the truth is, most people don’t see all of your social media posts the first time around. In fact, on most platforms, organic reach is on the decline. 

So, instead of trying to reinvent the wheel every time you post, you will benefit more by pushing the same content in different ways to make sure that everyone has a chance to see it. 

7 Ways to Repurpose Your Content for Maximum Brand Exposure

Now you might be wondering exactly how to repurpose your content. Here are seven ways that can get you started: 

  1. Take your most successful email and turn it into a digital ad

  2. Create an ebook once a year and use it every month 

  3. Take the transcript of a speech or talk you did and make it a professional insight 

  4. Workshop your content ideas while networking 

  5. Add your elevator pitch to your homepage

  6. Create blog posts out of the best slides from your corporate deck

  7. Use pull quotes and headlines from blog posts as social media copy 

Whether you’re creating content for a big brand or you’re developing a personal brand, you can apply this tip to whatever platforms and industries you’re interested in developing.


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